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Welcome to our resource library! Here we've gathered everything entrepreneurs and freelancers need to know about operating in the UAE: from essential knowledge about corporate services and Corporate Tax to the intricacies of financial reporting and business management.
knowledge hub
Our goal is to make your business journey as clear and comfortable as possible. In this library, you'll find up-to-date information, practical advice, and useful tools for successfully running your business in the UAE.
I’m starting a business in the UAE: what’s next?
To watch and discuss
Online course “I’m starting a business in the UAE: what’s next?” — coming soon
Culture Mapping is a podcast where we interview Dubai-based entrepreneurs, innovators and artists about how their native culture and the cultures of the places they lived in affect the way they work, communicate, build partnerships and teams.
In the UAE, where the world meets and cultures converge, festive celebrations take on a unique flavor. For many expats, the holiday season is an opportunity to mix traditional rituals with modern twists, blending the old with the new in vibrant and meaningful ways. Whether celebrating at home or travelling abroad, it’s all about crafting moments that resonate.